Tag Archives: Navigator Tree

ITM/TEPS – How to fix excessive Navigator tree rebuilding – Agents appearing/disappearing constantly

I have recently run into this problem. The navigator tree was rebuilding/changing constantly resulting the TEPS Console to be nearly unusable. To fix this I set the following variables in cq.ini ( TEPS ini file location under $CANDLEHOME/config/)


The Navigator function detects when the IP address for an agent is discovered. If the agent environment is constantly changing or has improper configurations that generate excessive Navigator tree rebuilding, consider adding this environment variable to have any discovery of changes or additions of IP address ignored.


This variable is like the one for detect agent address change except that it prevents the Navigator rebuilding if an agent hostname is changed.


This is like the detect agent address change except that it prevents the Navigator rebuilding if an agent affinity or affinity version changes.

References/Documentation on TEPS environment variables:


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